Download YouTube videos on Mobile Devices
How to download YouTube videos on mobile in different formats such as mp4,3gp,avi,etc. ? , this was the question arising from my friends for a long time.I was suggesting many sites for downloading YouTube videos on mobile.However many of these sites are stopped working and now a days everyone is disappointed that they are facing many problems with downloading YouTube videos on mobile.
The main reason that many YouTube videos downloading sites is stopped is that recently google updated the YouTube with its latest version.In this update the feeds associate with the YouTube videos also changed.The sites that coded using the old feed details stopped working instantly and also many sites closed their service.
Many users started using their computers for downloading YouTube videos and started transferring those videos to their mobile phone.Since there are number of applications available for computers to download YouTube videos.However it is an irritating task for users to download YouTube videos on PC and transferring it to mobile phone.
Many users still using the sites like tubezen,yaaya etc sites for Downloading Youtube videos on mobile even they are not up to their expectation.These are not functioning well in many situations.Also these sites not supports different formats to download YouTube videos.
Download YouTube Videos on mobile Site
Recently I implemented a mobile site for downloading YouTube videos in different formats and I got appreciable response from the users side.With this site you peoples can search,watch and download YouTube videos in your mobile devices also from your PC.If you don’t wish to download a YouTube video even you can stream it in your mobile with the use of this site.This site will support 3 formats of videos as 3gp,mp4 and avi.Users can select the appropriate video format and can download it in their mobile.
How to Download YouTube videos in Mobile Phone Devices
Just follow the below steps to download YouTube videos on your mobile phone.
- Visit
- Now you can search for your favourite video ( Refere following image)
- It will list the search results and you can click on any video link that you want to download.
- This process will lead you to the details page and there you can stream video on your mobile or PC or you can click the download link to download YouTube video in your mobile or PC.
- A button will present on the page and you have on the button until the download links appears
Now you will get the download links for your favourite YouTube video in different formats .
That’s it.Wait until the download completes.
Hope you all like my new site for downloading the YouTube videos on mobile.I would like to hear your suggestion on this site.
Please leave your comment on How to Download YouTube Videos on Mobile in 3GP,MP4 and Avi Formats!
Wow! thanks to this info. I am now able to download videos to mobile
nice post abdu. really useful for you tube users from mobile. this post is interesting and useful. thank you for this post.