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Command Prompt is one place that is put to use more often than not. It tells you about your IP address and apart from that if you are looking for any more information about the internet connection then Command Prompt is the place to be in. In order to know the IP address of your system you will have to type in ipconfig/all in your command prompt and it will show you the result. If you want to start up the command prompt, then click the start button, then go to Run type in cmd and press enter. Now when you are in there you can perform several tasks, some are known, but there are some tricks that are unknown to many users so here we will be discussing those tricks.


  1. Forget copying and pasting – Most of the time we use the command line to copy and then paste the output from the command prompt. But now with a certain trick you can actually send out the output straight into the clipboard. So now there is no need to go to the copy and paste thing and waste your time and energy.
  2. Multiple commands – Putting the sign off and (&) two times that is ‘&&’ in the middle of any two commands will make the work done one after the other. Now when you have given two commands followed and preceded by & sign the command that you have written first will start first and then it will be followed by the other command on the cmd.
  3. Command prompt through the folder – In order to locate a particular file or folder we start entering multiple commands, but with this simple trick you will be able to take down the stress level a lot. You can now open the command prompt just inside the folder from internet explorer and for that you have to press down the shift key and simultaneously right click on folder and you will get the option in context menu.
  4. As an administrator – When you are trying to download or install or carry out any other function, then you will come across a phrase which says run as an administrator to complete the task. What do you do to get into the command prompt as administrator? Either you can click on the start menu and type in cmd when the option appears, right click on it and you will have the drop down giving you the option to run as administrator or you can press the three keys Ctrl + Shift + Enter simultaneously to get the command prompt with the privileges of admin.
  5. Viewing particular command – When you are trying to get to any particular command, then what you do is use the up key to track down the previous command but that turns out to be a tedious job. Now with the use of doskey command you can easily view the command that you have been looking for.